Как заводить часы BAUME & MERCIER
Один из знаменитых производителей швейцарских часов премиум класса. У компании довольно насыщенная история, которая берет начало в 1830 году. В данный момент представительства компания есть в 75 странах по всему миру. Под маркой Baume Mercier производится порядка 200 тысяч часов в год. Отличительная особенность этих часов - симбиоз роскоши и безупречной надежности. Лидерство компании можно объяснить легко. У нее великолепно сочетаются такие факторы, как высокая точность хода, использование драгоценных камней и благородных металлов, швейцарские детали превосходного качества и уникальный дизайн. Baume Mercier один из лидеров в часовой индустрии.
Обозначения: Both - смешанный режим (реверсивное вращение); CW - вращение по часовой стрелке; CCW - вращение против часовой стрелки; «–» не определено
6136 Classima Executives - Auto Gold |
BM11892 |
Both |
650 |
Hampton |
CW |
700 |
6600 Hampton Milleis Power Reserve |
Piguet 9640 |
650 |
6602 Hampton Milleis Auto |
Piguet 953 |
650 |
Hampton 1994-2009 |
Both |
650 |
6659 Riviera |
BM 11892 |
Both |
650 |
6802 Classima Executives - Chronograph |
BM 13283 |
Both |
650 |
6855 Capeland Automatic 39mm |
BM 11895 |
Both |
650 |
6856 Capeland Automatic 39mm |
BM 11895 |
Both |
650 |
6858 Capeland Automatic Chronograph 39mm |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
6859 Capeland Automatic Chronograph 39mm |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
6860 Capeland Automatic Chronograph 39mm |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
6877 Hampton Milleis Auto |
BM 8395-1 |
CW |
650-800 |
6904 Capeland Automatic Chronograph 39mm |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
6907 Capeland Automatic Chronograph 39mm |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
Capeland Chrono Blue Dial |
CW |
800 |
6933 Hampton Automatic |
Both |
650-800 |
6939 Hampton Automatic |
Both |
650-800 |
6955 Capeland Automatic 39mm |
BM 11895 |
Both |
650 |
8002 Classima Executives - Chronograph |
BM 13283 |
Both |
650 |
8012 Hampton Milleis Auto |
BM 8395-1 |
CW |
650-800 |
8022 Hampton Milleis Auto |
BM 8395-1 |
CW |
650-800 |
8027 Hampton Milleis Auto |
BM 8395-1 |
CW |
650-800 |
Hampton Milleis Automatic |
CW |
800 |
8061 Capeland Automatic 39mm |
BM 11895 |
Both |
650 |
8062 Capeland Automatic Chronograph 39mm |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8079 Classima Executives - Auto M |
Both |
650 |
8079 Classima Executives Richemont |
BM11982/2A |
Both |
650 |
8084 Capeland GMT Alarm |
– |
Both |
600 |
8111 Capeland S Auto Chronograph COSC 41mm |
BM 13750 или 11895 |
CW |
800 |
8112 Capeland S Auto Chronograph 41mm |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8123 Capeland S Auto 41mm |
– |
– |
– |
8124 Capeland S Auto 41mm |
– |
– |
– |
8125 Capeland S Auto 41mm |
– |
– |
– |
Capeland S Automatic |
Both |
650 |
8160 Classima Executives - Auto M |
Both |
650 |
8217 Capeland Auto Ladies 28mm |
BM 8395 |
CW |
800 |
8220 Capeland S Auto Chronograph COSC 41mm |
BM 13750 или 11895 |
CW |
800 |
Capeland S Chronograph |
CW |
800 |
8221 Capeland Automatic Chronograph 39mm |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8222 Capeland Automatic 39mm |
BM 11895 |
Both |
650 |
8223 Capeland Automatic Chronograph 39mm |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8224 Capeland Automatic 39mm |
BM 11895 |
Both |
650 |
8245 Hampton Milleis Auto: |
BM 8395-1 |
CW |
650-800 |
8246 Hampton Milleis Auto |
BM 8395-1 |
CW |
650-800 |
8249 Hampton Milleis Auto |
BM 8395-1 |
CW |
650-800 |
8254 Hampton Spirit Auto |
BM 8395 |
CW |
650-800 |
8255 Hampton Milleis Auto / Hampton Spirit Auto |
BM 8395-1 |
CW |
650-800 |
8258 Hampton Milleis Auto / Hampton Spirit Auto |
BM 8395-1 |
CW |
650-800 |
8277 Hampton Spirit Auto LE |
BM 10300 |
500 |
8282 Capeland GMT Reveil |
500 |
8283 Capeland Automatic Chronograph 39mm |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8319 Capeland S XXL 1000 45mm |
ETA 2892-A2 |
Both |
650 |
8320 Capeland S Auto Chronograph COSC 41mm |
BM 13750 or 11895 |
CW |
800 |
8321 Capeland S Auto Chronograph 41mm |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8322 Capeland Automatic Power Reserve 39mm |
– |
– |
– |
8329 Capeland S Auto Chronograph 41mm |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8342 Hampton City Auto |
BM 72671 |
CW |
650-800 |
8343 Hampton Milleis Auto XL |
BM 11892/2A |
Both |
650 |
8344 Hampton City Auto Chrono XL |
BM122894 |
Both |
650 |
8345 Hampton City Auto XL |
– |
– |
– |
8347 Hampton City Auto |
BM 72671 |
CW |
650-800 |
Hampton City Automatic |
Both |
650 |
Hampton City Chronograph XL |
Both |
650 |
Hampton Magnum |
CW |
800 |
8369 Hampton Spirit Auto |
BM 8395 |
CW |
650-800 |
Hampton Spirit Automatic |
Both |
650 |
8379 Capeland Automatic Chrono w/ Tachometer 39mm |
BM 8395 |
CW |
650-800 |
8380 Capeland Automatic Chrono w/ Tachometer 39mm |
BM 8395 |
CW |
650-800 |
8384 Capeland Auto Small Seconds 39mm |
– |
– |
– |
8386 Capeland Automatic Chronograph 39mm |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8387 Capeland Automatic 39mm |
BM 11895 |
Both |
650 |
8402 Capeland S Auto Chronograph 41mm |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8433 Hampton City Auto Chrono XL |
BM122894 |
Both |
650 |
8442 Hampton Milleis Auto XL |
BM 11892/2A |
Both |
650 |
8443 Hampton Milleis Auto XL |
BM 11892/2A |
Both |
650 |
8444 Hampton Milleis Auto XL |
BM 11892/2A |
Both |
650 |
8445 Hampton Milleis Auto XL |
BM 11892/2A |
Both |
650 |
Hampton Spirit Calendar |
Both |
650 |
8452 Hampton Spirit Chrono w/Flyback XL |
– |
Both |
650 |
Classima Dual Time |
Both |
650 |
8462 Classima Executives - Auto XL Dual Time |
BM 11893-2 |
Both |
650 |
8472 Capeland S Auto Chronograph 41mm |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8484 Hampton Milleis Chrono Date XL |
– |
– |
– |
8487 Hampton Spirit Auto Moonphase XL |
BM11600 |
Both |
650 |
8488 Hampton Spirit Auto Moonphase XL |
BM11600 |
Both |
650 |
8490 Capeland S Auto Chronograph 41mm |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8491 Capeland Automatic 39mm |
BM 11895 |
Both |
650 |
Capeland Chrono 44mm |
CW |
800 |
Capeland Chrono Blue Dial |
CW |
800 |
Capeland Chrono |
Ref.10006 |
CW |
800 |
Capeland Chrono |
Valjoux 7753 |
CW |
800 |
8492 Capeland Auto Small Seconds 39mm |
– |
– |
– |
8500 Capeland Auto Small Seconds 39mm |
– |
– |
– |
8501 Capeland S Auto Chronograph 41mm |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8502 Capeland S Auto Chronograph 41mm |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
Capeland MOA10068 |
CW |
800 |
Capeland Reserve de marche |
Both |
650 |
Capeland Worldtimer |
Both |
650 |
Classima Dual Time |
Both |
650 |
Classima Executives Gold |
Both |
650 |
Classima Executives Gold Dualtime |
Both |
650 |
Classima Executives Gold GMT |
Both |
650 |
Classima Executives Gold Open |
Both |
650 |
Classima Executives Gold Reserve de Marche |
Both |
650 |
Classima Executives Magnum |
CW |
800 |
Classima Executives Regulator |
Both |
650 |
Classima Executives William Baume |
Both |
650 |
Classima Executives XL |
Both |
650 |
8589 Classima Executives - Chronograph XL |
BM 13753 |
CW |
800 |
8590 Classima Executives - Auto XL |
Both |
650 |
8592 Classima Executives - Auto XL |
Both |
650 |
Classima GMT |
Both |
650 |
Classima MOA8692 |
CW |
800 |
Clifton |
Both |
650 |
Clifton Full Calendar SIHH 2013 |
Both |
650 |
Clifton GMT |
Both |
650 |
Clifton Retrograde SIHH 2014 |
Both |
650 |
8593 Riviera GM |
BM 11892-2 |
Both |
650 |
8594 Riviera Chrono XL , XX |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8598 Riviera GM |
BM 11892-2 |
Both |
650 |
Riviera XL Diver |
Both |
650 |
Riviera XL Magnum |
CW |
800 |
Hampton Square |
Both |
650 |
Hampton Square Large |
Both |
650 |
Hampton Square XL Business Class 2007 |
Both |
650 |
8606 Hampton Square - Auto |
BM 11824 |
Both |
650 |
8607 Hampton Square - Chrono |
BM 122894 |
Both |
650 |
8608 Hampton Square - Chrono |
BM 122894 |
Both |
650 |
8610 Hampton Square - Auto |
BM 11824 |
Both |
650 |
8620 Classima Executives - Chronograph XL |
BM 13753 |
CW |
800 |
8621 Classima Executives - Chronograph XL |
BM 13753 |
CW |
800 |
8624 Riviera Chrono XL , XXL |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8625 Riviera Chrono XL , XXL |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8628 Riviera Chrono XL , XXL |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8639 Classima Executives - Auto L |
Both |
650 |
8659 Classima Executives - Auto M |
Both |
650 |
8670 Riviera XL: 8670 |
BM 11893-2 |
Both |
650 |
8686 Classima Executives - Auto L |
Both |
650 |
8688 Classima Executives - Auto L, XL Open Balance |
BM 112824 |
Both |
650 |
8692 Classima Executives - Chronograph XL |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8712 Riviera Chrono XL , XXL |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8717 Riviera L |
Both |
650 |
8723 Riviera Chronograph and Tachymeter XXL |
BM 13753 |
CW |
800 |
8724 Riviera Chronograph and Tachymeter XXL |
BM 13753 |
CW |
800 |
8728 Riviera Chrono XL , XXL |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8731 Classima Executives - Auto XL |
Both |
650 |
8732 Classima Executives - Chronograph XL |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8733 Classima Executives - Chronograph XL |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8734 Classima Executives - Auto XL Dual Time |
BM 11893-2 |
Both |
650 |
8749 Hampton Square - Dual Time, Large Date: |
BM 11651 |
Both |
650 |
8751 Hampton Square - Auto XL |
Both |
650 |
8753 Hampton Milleis Auto XL |
BM 11892/2A |
Both |
650 |
8755 Riviera Chrono XL , XXL |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8758 Riviera Chrono XL , XXL |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
8778 Riviera XL: 8778 |
BM 11824 |
Both |
650 |
8779 Riviera XL: 8778 |
BM 11824 |
Both |
650 |
8781 Riviera XL |
BM 11893-2 |
Both |
650 |
8782 Riviera S |
ETA 2671 |
Both |
650 |
8783 Riviera S |
ETA 2671 |
Both |
650 |
8785 Riviera XL |
BM 11893-2 |
Both |
650 |
8787 Classima Executives - Auto L |
Both |
650 |
8788 Classima Executives - Auto L Dual Time |
BM 11893-2 |
Both |
650 |
8790 Classima Executives - Auto L Dual Time Power Reserve |
– |
– |
– |
8791 Classima Executives - Auto L |
Both |
650 |
8797 Riviera Chrono XL , XXL, Chronograph |
BM 13750 |
CW |
800 |
Riviera XXL Chrono Diver |
CW |
800 |
Riviera XXL Chrono Diver Seaside |
CW |
800 |
8818 Hampton Classic XL Open |
ETA 2824-2 или Sellita SW200 |
Both |
650-800 |
8819 Hampton Classic XL |
ETA 2824-2 |
Both |
650 |
8820 Hampton Classic XL |
DD14950 |
Both |
650 |
8821 Hampton Classic XL |
SO 9090 |
Both |
650 |
8825 Hampton Square - Chronograph XXL |
CW |
800 |
8826 Hampton Square - Chronograph XXL |
CW |
800 | |
8833 Classima Executives - Auto L, XL Open Balance |
BM 112824 |
Both |
650 |
8834 Riviera Magnum XXL Chrono Flyback Ltd. Ed. |
Valjoux 7750 |
CW |
800 |
8835 Classima Executives Magnum XXL Automatic |
ETA 2892-A2 |
Both |
650 |
8835 Riviera Magnum XXL |
BM 11892-A2 |
Both |
650 |
Riviera XXL Magnum PVD Rose |
CW |
800 |
8836 Classima Executives - Auto L |
Both |
650 |
8837 Classima Executives - Auto L |
Both |
650 |
8838 Classima Executives - Auto L Dual Time Power Reserve |
– |
– |
– |
8839 Hampton Square - Dual Time, Large Date: |
BM 11651 |
Both |
650 |
8840 William Baume Big Date, Retrograde Second |
La Joux Perret 3533 |
Both |
650 |
8842 Hampton Square - Dual Time, Large Date |
BM 11651 |
Both |
650 |
Hampton XL Magnum |
Both |
650 |
Hampton XL Magnum GMT |
Both |
650 |
Hampton XL Magnum Worldtimer |
Both |
650 |
Hampton XXL |
CW |
800 |
8851 Classima Executives XL Dual Time Chronograph |
– |
– |
– |
8852 Classima Executives Magnum XXL Chronograph |
– |
– |
– |
8853 Classima Executives Magnum XXL Chronograph |
– |
– |
– |
8869 Classima Executives |
– |
Both |
650 |
8870 Classima Executives XL Chronograph and Complete Calendar |
ETA 7751 |
CW |
800 |
Linea |
Both |
650 |
Promesse 30mm |
Both |
650 |
Promesse 34mm |
Both |
650 |